After bankruptcy a credit report doesn’t automatically start to go up.  My credit score was affected, as I expected it to happen, when I filed bankruptcy.  What I didn’t expect was to have the same collections and charge offs being reported, still as collections and charge offs a year after my case was discharged.  Not only did I have the bankruptcy but now I was still showing collections.  It wasn’t until then that I really started to consider how long it was going to take for that bankruptcy to come off my credit report and it became obvious that I was going to have to address what was left behind.

I researched before I filled how long it would take for the bankruptcy to come off my credit report and if there was any possibility to have it removed.  After doing this I was convinced that there was going to be at least a 10 year period that I was going to have to wait to see it come off my report and have a clean credit report again.  Though it was tough to make the decision, I couldn’t continue to deal with the debt, the damage that it was doing to my family and I had reached its limit and I decided to file the bankruptcy.

My experience with having the bankruptcy removed from my credit report came by accident.  I was addressing the mistakes on my report when I was told that the bankruptcy might be a candidate to be removed.  Bankruptcy and a credit report usually go hand in hand, for ten years, by what I understood.  The possibility of having it removed was news to me, being that I hadn’t considered trying to have it removed.

It wasn’t until I talked to a professional about my situation that I got some information that I missed while doing research myself.  I also learned that I don’t have to wait 10 years to do anything with credit.  I was under the impression that the black mark on my credit would prevent me from owning a home again and having credit for ten years.  When I realized I could apply for credit in spite of the bankruptcy I was very surprised and hopeful of owning a home in as little as three to five years.

Don’t assume that a bankruptcy is the end of your credit report.  There are options.

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Factors contributing to someone's credit score...

As I mentioned above my bankruptcy credit report wasn’t looking very good.  I had the BK and still the negative accounts.  When I discussed it with the credit repair professionals, they told me I could have the mistakes taken off, not corrected.  A correction still shows as a derogatory, it’s much better to have it removed.  Which is what they assured me, they could get done.

My bankruptcy credit report now looks better with all the minor things removed.  Yes the bankruptcy is still there but I know they’re working on getting in off.  I’m giving it some time.  If it doesn’t get done in the initial quoted time, then I’ll reconsider my approach.  For now I’m grateful that there has been improvement and I’m getting back on track financially.  If you want to try to remove the bankruptcy from your credit report, there are some good credit programs you can use like Credit repair magic.  I opted for getting a free consultation from one of their experts and get the facts from them.  That is what they do, after all.  I didn’t have the time to learn and apply all the bankruptcy information.

It’s a great feeling to know I’m improving after all the months of feeling down and feeling like a failure.  It’s not an easy decision to file bankruptcy and considering the bankruptcy credit report I was left with its easy to see why someone would be down.  Getting the help I needed was crucial to not just my financial recovery but to my mental and emotional recovery also.

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If you’re looking for quick credit repair advice you’ve come to the wrong place.  This isn’t advice.  I’m simply sharing a few of the things that helped me with my initial credit repair project.  I had a lot of financial troubles in the last two years.  Collections and charge offs made themselves a home on my credit report and after recovering, a little.  I decided I needed to get my credit up again.

I looked for options as you might be doing right now and for me the best was going with someone who knew exactly what they were doing.  I didn’t really feel I could get quick credit repair results myself.  When I say quick, I mean 45 days or less.  When I looked into companies that do it for you they always talked about how they were the quickest in the industry and that in 45 days I would be able to see a significant difference.  It all sounded great except for what it was going to cost me.

My second option was to work on it myself.  I realized that if I did it myself it wasn’t going to be a quick credit repair project but after talking to those guys at the credit repair companies I got the picture that they would be doing some disputing.  I had no idea how to do it so I had to look into credit repair programs.  After researching a little on the internet I picked a clear winner and started working on it.

In the first 2 months I removed 3 collections accounts.  Yes I was surprised.  I received a letter from the bureau telling me that the action taken was a removal and I jumped.   I didn’t have a 750 credit score but that was quick.  Credit repair was looking very possible after that first positive step.

Article Continued

Quick, hide the credit card guys!

Once I realized that the techniques I started to use from Credit Repair Magic worked I started to go after the larger accounts.  I corrected or removed 11 negative accounts from my credit report.  It sounds like a lot but I was deep in the hole.  I had a total of 24 accounts that needed to be addressed.  Some I wanted to remove and being that they were re-aging my debt, it was very possible.

Re-aging of debt is a serious problem and a violation of statute of limitations.  For that reason you can use it to have them remove a bad account from your record.  You can read more about re-aging and techniques used to clear it when you get Credit Repair Magic.  I know the page and the video look a little funny but the program is good.  I came across the program through a credit repair review page.

It did make a difference.  I’m glad I worked on it myself.  I’m still working on some of the bigger, more difficult accounts.  They aren’t budging and I think I might have to go to the professionals after all.  The last time I talked to one of them they mentioned that the less I have to clear the less it costs because it’ll take less time to do it.

If you don’t want to go through the hassle and want really quick credit repair results the company I found to be reputable was Lexington law.  I talked to one of their guys when I signed up for a free consultation and it’s probably my next step.  I’d like to own a home in the next year or so, now that prices are low.

Lexington Law Free Consultation and Ebook.


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The perfect credit score is many times misunderstood.  The reason for that is that, though we know there are three credit bureaus.  We usually only hear about people being concerned about their FICO score.  FICO is a scoring model that is only used by one of the three bureaus.

Trans Union uses the FICO scoring model while Experian uses Beacon and Equifax uses the Empirica scoring system and they all range differently in lowest and highest possible scores.  So you see, that makes it particularly difficult to determine what the perfect credit score is.

Add into this the fact that not all creditors report to all three bureaus and it gets even more complicated.  That’s part of the reason you can have a 650 on one scoring system and have a 7 11 on the next.  It depends what each individual credit bureau is reporting and which of your creditors are reporting to whom.

When it comes to running the credit for consideration for an account, you might find that your perfect credit score with one application might be different when you apply for something else.  For example a home loan and when you apply for a used car loan.  They might be running different bureaus exclusively.  Mortgage lenders usually consider all three and take the middle of the three but even some home loan lenders would look only at one specific bureau, ignoring the other two.  If they happen to choose the bureau that is reporting more negative information on your profile there goes your answer.

I’ll tell you that for me the perfect credit score is the credit score that allows me to have the greatest number of options or benefits for borrowing money.  Simply said, if a home loan lender wants a 720 to lend me money for a home with low to zero points and the best going rate then that’s what I would strive for.  But remember that they always have the choice to change that.

Bottom line higher is always better and making sure that everything is accurate on your credit report is very important.  Eighty percent of consumers have errors on their credit.  Which makes you think do you monitor your credit and when was the last time you looked at what’s on it?

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credit (Photo credit: 401(K) 2013)

Now that were talking about the perfect credit score and how it can be determined.  I want to share a little about my journey getting my credit back up to the 700 range.  I had some serious credit problems in the last three years and I’ve been working since to get it back up.  One product that has helped me get closer to that perfect credit score we all try to reach has been Credit Repair Magic.  It gives so much great information and it keeps updating.  Truly a great source of information!

Here’s how I went about it.

First, I got a copy of my credit report.  Anywhere will do as long as you have all three bureaus so you can see all the creditors that are reporting to your profiles.

Then, after a couple of months checking out credit repair reviews, I decided to get Credit Repair Magic.  I applied almost all the ideas I picked up from there and the program is great because it’s self directed but not just an ebook that you have to read.

I cleared most of the derogatory accounts except for a few accounts that were giving me a serious headache.  For those accounts I had to go to the professionals at Lexington Law.  I really resisted hiring a professional.  I didn’t want to do it but I found it necessary to do it.  Those last three accounts were the biggest dollar amounts and consequently the ones causing the more damage on my credit profile.

After a free consultation with Lexington Law, I decided to give them a try.  I had tried all I could and decided it was time.

Lexington Law Free Consultation and Ebook.


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Can credit repair secrets really help you repair your credit?  Are they even real or just  hoax to sell you the latest and greatest pill to clean your credit and become a homeowner or buy a car and or what ever else your trying to accomplish.  Get the facts and understand that these credit repair secrets that work like magic are very real.  They just aren’t secrets.

Credit, for many is a secret.  That’s what makes some credit repair techniques a secret.  Not that they aren’t known, simply that most consumers don’t know them.  There’s been a whole industry built around our lack of knowledge and understanding of credit what our rights are and what we can do about it.  That’s what the credit repair secrets consist of, what we can do about our credit.

Few now know that they can dispute their credit.  How to do it is a whole other ball game and one that many of us are scared to get into and play.  Rightfully so, before attempting to work on your own credit you should better understand why credit is reporting the way it is.  An education in credit is one we should all have but very rarely get.  We usually get into a relationship with money by the way we see our families relate to money and we follow the same patterns.

Some of the credit repair secrets that can help anyone’s credit score are very simple to implement.  For example, for credit reports that aren’t severely damaged being an authorized user.  This simply means that you have full access to a credit account that was probably not established by you.  A brother, sister, mother father someone with a well established account and enough trust in you can give you a huge boost with their credit account.

For those less fortunate who don’t understand how credit works, closing accounts is a terrible thing to do.  Many credit profiles seem to need repairs when in fact there’s nothing wrong and they’ve been paying their bills.  The secret here is that many consumers think that by closing accounts their being responsible.  Yes, it is responsible but it’s not what the scoring systems like to see.

So you see, they really aren’t secrets!  Its simply a matter of educating yourself about credit and having a little understanding of how it works.

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Naughty Secrets IMG_0781

For those who are in looking to learn these so called credit repair secrets for removing derogatory accounts, collections, charge offs and possibly even liens there’s programs that are very well reviewed that you can get.

I like to recommend Credit Repair Magic because it has helped me tremendously.  I don’t presume to be a teacher and what I’m sharing here is from personal experience.  I can simply tell you that the credit repair secrets I was looking for I found to be just a lack of knowledge and I got that knowledge from Credit Repair Magic.

I tried other products before Credit repair magic, but what did it for me was the credit repair reviews that I kept on running into about the product.  Finding that many places rated it at the top of do it yourself programs gave me peace of mind and the 60 day trial period was great.  I will have to add that to see significant results it does take 60 to 90 days.  If you stay on it, you can see results sooner.

A year and a half ago my credit really sucked and discovering the credit repair secrets the pros use helped me out a lot.

I looked for options and it was a do it yourself program or Lexington Law.  For those who don’t want to mess with credit themselves or don’t have the time to do it.  Those guys have been around for a while and have a good reputation for clearing credit.  They helped my with the last accounts I had to take fix.  Those were really giving me a hard time.

You can learn more about them on their website and get a free consultation.  They even gave me a free credit repair ebook just for signing up for the consultation.

Lexington Law Free Consultation and Ebook.


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I waited to long to check my credit score after bankruptcy.  While you can ask “What can be worse than the bankruptcy that you have there now?”  The answer is all the bad accounts that were discharged and are still reporting as collections and charge offs.  That can be much worse than the bankruptcy itself.  Bankruptcy doesn’t automatically mean that all the creditors are going to update the reporting of the account to the bureaus.

For that reason it’s very important to pay attention to ones credit score after bankruptcy.  You’ll want to track as the months go by which creditors and collection companies have updated their reporting to the bureaus and more importantly which have not.  One good thing that I learned from a credit repair program was that for creditors that don’t update the status of the account become good candidates for you to dispute the account and have it removed.

A deletion of a derogatory account is much more beneficial to your credit score after bankruptcy than having it report as “included in bankruptcy”.  At the very least you’ll want it to report as “included in bankruptcy” but if you can have it removed it much better.

It doesn’t have to take seven to ten years to have a good credit score again.  You can have your credit score back up in a year and back to the 700’s range in a little over two if you take the right steps shortly after bankruptcy and it all start with making sure that all accounts are reporting accurately.

Start by running you’re credit report shortly after bankruptcy, a few months for example after discharge and seeing what’s reporting correctly.  Then move into actually clearing or correcting accounts that aren’t reporting properly.

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credit report

For those wondering where do I go from here?  I have a recent credit report and I see that there are accounts here that I know were included but aren’t updated.  What do I do?

The best answer I can give you is get some help, be it education or if it looks like something you don’t want to invest your time into get professional help.  I started to use Credit Repair Magic to remove accounts that I had on my credit and it boosted my credit score after bankruptcy.

If it’s looking like it’s something you want a professional to take a look at then you can contact Lexington Law, who’s been a very successful source for many of us who have had to struggle with credit and now need to have it repaired.

A credit score after bankruptcy shouldn’t need very much work so it shouldn’t take to long to complete.  This will in turn reduce the cost when having it done by a professional company.  I checked out Lexington Law thoroughly and that’s where I’ll be going if I can’t have the rest of the accounts removed or updated myself.  At this point I’m pushing to have them removed.  The less derogatory accounts reporting the better!

Lexington Law Free Consultation and Ebook.


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Many of us make a big mistake by ignoring our credit report after bankruptcy.  Yes, credit’s probably the last thing on our mind and something we swear off for the rest of our life.  We’ll at least while the wound is still fresh, so to speak.  Yet there are a number of mistakes that are common everyday occurrences that we need to be aware of before we prolong the damage and expense of the bankruptcy.

First mistake I made, myself, after bankruptcy was to avoid seeing my report.  I didn’t want to see it because I didn’t want to be reminded of how I failed.  That’s what the bankruptcy meant to me.  In reality, it was my only option but when you’re going through it you simply feel like a loser.  Assuming that all is bad on your report is a safe bet but the purpose of the bankruptcy was to get a new beginning.  By not reviewing my credit report after bankruptcy I was prolonging my recovery.

The second mistake I made was that once I got around to checking what was on my credit report and I noticed that there were many accounts reporting erroneously, I did nothing about it .  A good year eight months after the discharge, I realized that things don’t get updated and report properly after the discharge.  Some accounts were updated to show they were discharged in the bankruptcy but many were still reporting as collections and charge offs.  I didn’t realize how damaging that was at the moment, until I started thinking of moving.  I was being refused everywhere for an apartment and though I was upfront with them about the bankruptcy and they said it wasn’t a major issue.  Once they reviewed my credit report and saw all those collections still showing they weren’t quite so sure it wasn’t an issue.  I had to do something about it.

Those two mistakes cost me an additional 6 months of stress and troubles simply because they weren’t being reported properly.  Check your credit report after bankruptcy and correct or delete everything that is being erroneously reported.  The best option is to have bad accounts deleted.  At the very least a correction will get you back on track.

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Crypto key

When I finally started to work on my credit report after the bankruptcy, I had allowed almost a year to pass by.  I looked at many options to have my credit report improved but the best option for me at that time was to work on it myself.  It made sense for me because the bankruptcy had cleared all of the bad accounts out and it was just a matter of having them report correctly.  So I thought.

I bought the credit repair magic program after getting a few other programs like 37 days to clean credit and Credit repair secret code.  After a quote from a credit repair firm of about one thousand dollars I figured I could buy a handful of credit repair programs and still save money.  What I liked best about Credit repair magic was the self directed approach.  Most of the work was already done and all I had to do was follow along.  I also liked that I learned about having the account deleted instead of corrected.  The correction would leave the account there and it was much better for me to have it removed.  That became the focus and what I wanted to accomplish with my credit report after bankruptcy.

The 37 days to clean credit program and the Credit Secret Code were also good.  I simply liked Credit Repair Magic because it was easy to use and it generated most of the materials I needed.

I would say to anyone to give Credit repair magic a try.  It’s a good program, if you’re patient and follow along you will see results especially when you get around the 90 days.

Lexington Law Free Consultation and Ebook.


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There’s an abundance of credit repair specialist services out right now.  With the financial difficulties many have been going through in the last few years.  It’s easy to see why it may have become a good business model for some unscrupulous opportunists.  There’s only one way of steering clear of companies like those and that is by paying attention to how long these companies have been around.

I’m not saying new companies are bad.  Absolutely, you can find a credit repair specialist that might be freelancing or starting up.  What I’m referring to is individuals with no track record, no references for the last year and no place of business that are operating out of their garage.  That I think would be a red flag to beware of.

By contrast looking for a company with a good track record of success repairing credit a professional place of business and well reviewed are almost all sure indicators that you’ll get quality service for the price you pay.  I wanted to avoid the risk of paying any amount and having nothing to show for it.  If cash is what their asking for, say thank you and walk away.  Cash means no proof and that’s the last thing you want to do.  Treat it like hiring a construction contractor.  You wouldn’t give a contractor more than 30 to 50 percent to start.

One key note I paid attention to was how payment was going to work out.  I always thought that I could understand a company asking for a lump sum upfront not the whole fee, maybe half of the quote, something that would show I was interested and not playing around was fair.  I didn’t like the companies that asked me for the whole amount up front with no results.

Better yet, I preferred a company that would allow me to pay as I went and not have to shell out two thousand dollars all at once, if that’s what they quoted.  Those were the top two things I paid attention too when looking for a credit repair specialist.

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Sample VISA, MasterCard or Discover Card featu...
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I looked into many do it yourself programs before considering a credit repair specialist.  I wanted to save as much money as I could and I felt that doing it myself was the way to go.  I did invest in Credit Repair Magic and 37 days to clean credit which were well reviewed on the internet.

After acting as a credit repair specialist myself for about a year I opted to go with a reputable credit repair specialist law firm called Lexington Law.  I had seen them when I started but I guess emotionally I wasn’t ready to pay for the services.

I had success with Credit Repair Magic but for the harder accounts I ran out of patience so I contacted Lexington Law about their free consultation.  I got a call back from a credit repair specialist with them and she explained exactly how things were going to go, if I decided to take their services.

I’m glad I did it.  I was getting too frustrated with a few accounts that wouldn’t budge and so far they have helped my deal with one of them.  Two more to go!

If you’re doing it yourself and want to see what they can do check them out.  You can read more about them on their website at, they’ll even give you a free credit repair ebook if you sign up for a free consultation.

Lexington Law Free Consultation and Ebook.


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Credit repair secrets aren’t really secrets.  They are simply credit facts that most of the general public isn’t aware exist.  Most times we think that were always on the loosing end of the equation when it comes to credit and the fact is that were not.  There are many laws set up to protect us.  This doesn’t mean they don’t get violated.  It simply means that if they are violated we don’t do anything about it.  We tend to shy away from it because we don’t understand credit and what were doing.

With a little education about credit you can put these so called credit repair secrets to work for you and capitalize on the mistakes and violations collection companies make.  A quick example of a common violation is the re-aging of debt.  What this simply means is that a derogatory account has been given a new derogatory date that is more recent.  This effectively extends the number of months or years the derogatory account stays on ones credit, which in turns damages the credit score for a longer period of time than is allowed by the statute of limitations.

This is a common occurrence but unless you know what you’re looking for you won’t be able to tell one from the other.  An account is considered to be bad and starts to count down the reporting period 30 days after is goes delinquent.  If as mentioned above it went bad on Feb 2010 but it was reported by a collection company to have been April 2010, there’s the violation.  Sixty additional days of derogatory reporting is the violation.  The collection company should be using the same data that the original creditor has.  With this credit repair secret technique many accounts are deleted from consumers credit reports every year.

Article Continued

credit repair

One credit repair secret resource that helped me a lot with letters, understanding credit and the various laws that have been established to protect us was Credit Repair Magic.  Credit repair magic was a good program for me for two reasons.

First, it gave me all the information I needed to start disputing right away without knowing much about credit.  When I started I didn’t want to have to read a two or three hundred page book.  I wanted to get started right away and the self directed approach of the program allowed me to do this.  Its self directed not exactly the same as do-it-yourself.  You do have some guidance through the program itself and best of all you can start using the secret credit repair techniques right away.

Second, it gave me free upgrades and the benefit of them having researched the competition.  I had already tried a couple of programs and I wasn’t going to review over twenty credit programs.  Credit repair Magic had already done it.

Best of all if the program wasn’t cutting it I could always use it for a full 60 days to try it out and get a refund if I wasn’t satisfied.  Needless to say, I learned so much I kept it.

Get a copy of Credit Repair Magic if you need to improve your credit, it does help.  If doing it yourself looks overwhelming you can always consult with an credit repair company for free.  Lexington Law is one I’ve considered using.  I’m giving it a few more months to see how things progress.

Lexington Law Free Consultation and Ebook.

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Credit repair programs aren’t always an alternative to hiring a law firm to repair your credit.  I have worked with several programs and I have had success but at the expense of my time.  If time isn’t an issue for you then doing it yourself and getting a crash course on credit might be the best option.

The fact is that most of what a law firm does and what the credit repair programs teach is the same.  They don’t use voodoo on your creditors and they don’t have special relationships with the bureaus.  They simply know about the credit practices that many creditors and collections companies violate and they go for the kill.  The FCRA and the FDCPA have set some pretty specific ways of doing business and many of the collections companies violate these rules.

One that is very commonly violated is re-aging of debt.  I know I found several companies doing this to me.  This is when they transfer a derogatory account to a collections company and the company, by mistake or practice reports a new, more current date as the default date.  When they do this it violates the statute of limitations for reporting that derogatory account on your credit report.

Credit repair programs show you how to approach those situations and how to have them removed.  This is just about the same process the law firms do.  You simply have to go through the trouble of writing and sending the letter yourself.  The replies are where it gets interesting and where most fail to follow through.  The attorneys know how to do it.  Most others working on their credit don’t.  Again the good credit repair programs will show you how to address a denial with a different dispute to increase the probabilities of it being removed.

Article Continued

Eiko's credit card

The best credit repair program I found was Credit Repair Magic.  It gave me a more of a follow along type of approach to credit repair and best of all most of the letters were already to go.  I would recommend just a little of editing on the letters to make them as emotional as possible.

Many times a more emotional approach can make a difference because the frustration will show through the letter making it seem more genuine.

I tried different credit repair programs and Credit Repair Magic was well reviewed on some credit repair reviews sites so I opted for that one.  That and it wasn’t an ebook that I had to read for weeks before I applied it.  That really appealed to me because I don’t have a whole lot of time to read, so making the best of my time was important for me.  If you’re considering doing it yourself check out Credit Repair Magic.

Better yet, it you feel that credit repair programs aren’t going to help you and its something that should be left to the professionals you should check out Lexington Law.  They have a great track record of success with users and have been around for a long time.  Do it yourself isn’t for everyone’s.  It really depends on what needs to be repaired.

Lexington Law Free consultation and Ebook!

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The choice I had to make wasn’t easy.  Hire a credit repair attorney or continue to do it myself?  I had been working on my credit for about a year and I had made some progress.  I had accounts removed and other accounts, at the very least reporting correctly.  I did see a significant increase in my credit score from my efforts but I was still a long way from the 720 I was trying to get too.

This in itself had been an accomplishment and if I was more complacent I would have said it was good enough.  I had already taken my credit score from 511 that I started at to 621.  Nothing to complain about there, I was simply having a hard time with a couple of accounts where I had higher balances when the account went bad.  I was considering a credit repair attorney to see if they could eliminate most of that debt and allow me to pay pennies on the dollar, preferably.

That was a good 4 months ago.  I finished weighing my options and I decided to make the investment.  I had already invested enough time and I wanted to spend more time with my family rather than reading about credit.  I had enough understanding of credit to this point I simply wanted those last few accounts either gone or settled.

I had already tried most if not all the different techniques I learned from a credit repair program and they had all failed on me.  I tried disputing the account with verification, verifying the companies right to collect from me.  Checking their licensing and bonding in my state.  They had it all take care of.

The credit repair techniques were solid.  It was simply a matter of these particular creditors having all their T’s crossed and their I’s dotted.  For that reason I had trouble getting results.  I felt I was out of options and I didn’t want to pay the whole amount after all the damage the accounts were going to leave behind so I choose to leave it in the hand of a professional to negotiate the debt down and get it out if possible.  I figured being a legal team.  they would have more leverage and success with those difficult companies.

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Crane Paper Company in Dalton produces the pap...

Going to a credit repair attorney at Lexington Law was probably the best thing I did at that point.

As I mentioned, I had a much better education about credit at this point and fixing my credit myself was a great learning process.  I simply was tired of the late night reading over techniques that I had already used with this lender looking for another way to approach it.  The techniques worked on many other accounts, with great success.  It was much easier than I though it was going to be.  I started my credit repair with what I consider to be the best program out there.  Credit Repair magic.  You’ll find many credit repair reviews where it has been rated one of the best if not the best for do it yourselfers like me.

In the end I’m glad I did that much myself, even thought I ended up hiring a credit repair attorney.  I helped my get most of the light load off the account so to speak and have the credit repair attorney do the heavy lifting.  This should save me months of work for the attorney and money.

I would say try Credit Repair Magic but if it looks like its something you want a credit repair attorney to tackle give Lexington Law a try.  You can always start with a simple consultation at no cost that’s how I started.

Lexington Law Free Consultation and Ebook.


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